HOOK UP WITH FRIENDS: 11 forms of application: when is which needed?

11 forms of application: when is which needed?

Application is not the same application, in fact there are different forms of application . In times of the Internet, an application by mail is absolutely common, but even the classic application folder by mail has long not served its time. Not every applicant is familiar with forms of application such as the application flyer or the video application. However, not every application form is suitable for every job. Therefore, we present here 11 variants of the application and explain the differences or advantages ...

Application forms: 11 types of application per event
Depending on where you have become aware of a job advertisement, but also depending on which position you apply, certain forms of application are more appropriate, others less suitable. The easiest way to explain this on the basis of typical student jobs in the run-up to Christmas:

For example, if a bookseller is looking for assistance in gift-giving or a gift-wrapping service, then he will not normally expect a sophisticated application form for this activity , which is placed on top of a three-part application folder.

Knowing these differences in the application forms does not just mean that you have become familiar with the respective species and have chosen the appropriate ones. You save yourself and your employer unnecessary work and simplify the application or selection process.

Overview: These application forms are available
With the new media , various options have been introduced to apply for vacant jobs. In the past, when job hunting was dominated by job advertisements in relevant newspapers and magazines, and possibly by bulletin boards, today there are many ways to find out about new job openings.

One way is, for example, job boards such as career jump . In the meantime, these new ways are often accompanied by other, that is, modern types of application. Overall, the following forms of application can be distinguished:

Classic application
The classic application contains the cover letter, possibly a cover sheet, the curriculum vitae and the attachments, ie certificates, certificates and possibly work samples. Since the whole thing is printed on paper and presented in a folder (up to cover letter: that is loosely on top), you are relatively free in your design options.

This means you can influence how your application will be presented by choosing the application folder and the design of your resume. In Germany, a complete application is accompanied by a corresponding application photo .

The advantage of this application form is clearly in the presentation: In other forms of application - such as digital - for example, the feel is not served, even reading on the screen is something other than browsing in a job application. However, the disadvantage is time and cost factor: Usually, a classic application is sent by mail.

This means that the company must scan or copy these documents if it wants to reproduce them and send them to other persons, such as the department head. Furthermore, it means that you have to plan accordingly to meet deadlines, for example, when holidays or a weekend in between. There are also costs for printing, wallet and postage.

You should refer to high quality paper of at least 90 grams for such an application. Those who want to make sure that their documents arrive donkey-free at the employer, prefer to use a padded mailing. If the application goes to the same location, you can personally bring it to the company.

Read more about the classic application here:

Application: All tips for the perfect application
short application
As the name suggests, a short application is much shorter in scope than the classic application. It contains only a comparatively short cover letter and the tabular curriculum vitae . The short application is suitable for positions whose exact job profile is not yet known, so the cover letter does not refer to it as much as the own job profile.

An application photo is not a must. Anyone who applies with this slimmed down version of an application to his dream job in the favored company, but will land directly on the pile with the rejections, as it is not tailored individually to the employer and acts loveless.

Suitably, the short application is more likely to attract interest in one's own person, for example at job and career fairs . Usually, however, if you are interested in each other, you will then receive a complete application.

Read more about the short application here:

Short application: examples, tips, templates
initiative application
An entirely different caliber is an unsolicited application. Often the candidate's great interest in this employer is in the foreground. Those who apply for an employer on their own initiative need to be fully informed about the industry and the company, as they can not access a job advertisement that tells them exactly what qualifications are expected and what skills might be of interest to the company.

At this point, good self-marketing is also in demand, because this job may yet have to be created. This type of application is more labor intensive than other forms of application and requires a degree of frustration tolerancebecause not all employers are convinced by unsolicited applications.

Regardless of the likelihood of vacancies, large companies in particular no longer allow this form and refer to advertised jobs and their online portals.

More about unsolicited applications read here:

Unsolicited application Cover letter: samples & examples
internal application
The internal application is initially different in structure and components from the classic application. The biggest difference is that the applicant applies to the same employer for another job. This is an advantage in that the applicant already knows the company well.

Nevertheless, there are some special considerations. A common mistake, for example, is that the competition is underestimated and the home advantage is overestimated. Also, in the case of an internal application, you should not automatically assume that all your competences are known to the HR manager.

Read more about the internal application here:

Internal application: Tips for the internal job change
application flyer
One of the more unusual forms of application is the application flyer, which is a kind of short application, but uses an unusual format. You save yourself the classic cover letter and CV and instead put this information on a double-printed page.

In most cases, the DIN A4 format is used in transverse printing. The application flyer is rounded off by an appropriate design and the three-part folding in leporello format. Your cover letter along with information from the CV will be presented in a condensed form.

Similar to the short application, this is a teaser that arouses interest in your person. This application form is therefore also suitable for job and career fairs.

Read more about the flyer here:

Application flyer: Candidate kick for job fairs
Application by mail
Thanks to the Internet, digital application forms are increasingly gaining acceptance. This includes the application by e-mail. In terms of structure and components, this application is not different from the classic application, only the way of transmission is different.

However, this involves some pitfalls and peculiarities. First of all, application by e-mail is often the more convenient way for the applicant: The documents are usually stored in digital form on the computer, just need to be updated and compiled, and as a rule can be sent straightforwardly.

However, some of the pitfalls here are the file size, file name and your e-mail address. Applicants should definitely get a reputable e-mail address, consisting of firstname.surname@provider.de; everything else makes you look unprofessional. The same applies to the naming of your files: For example, use filenames like Lebenslauf_Max_Mustermann_Stelle, which allow an assignment.

Finally, pay attention to the file size: If the size of your application is too large, there is a risk that it ends up in the spam folder. Typically, a file size of five megabytes should not be exceeded; If the file size is not specified in the job description, you can reinsure yourself by telephone with the company.

E-mail application: 10 tips on how to write this
Online application
The digital application forms also include the online application, that is, the applicant receives access to an online portal of the company in which he wants to apply. For companies, this form of application has the advantage of making it easier to compare applicants.

A disadvantage for the applicant, however, is that often there are no or only small design options. Also lurk technical pitfalls through CV parsers. The handling of these portals is very different; in some cases the applicant is only granted the opportunity to upload their own documents.

In other cases, one's own application documents must be taken apart and entered individually in designated fields. Or you have a limited space for phrases (so-called free text fields), but you can not rely on your own cover letter, because there is not enough space for it.

Important in dealing with online applications is that you take enough time in any case. Take screenshots so you can always see what information you've entered and where - to avoid inconsistencies with information in the documents you upload.

Read more about online applications here:

Online application: 10 tips for online forms
Guerrilla Application
Those who want to be absolutely sure that they stand out from the crowd, make a guerrilla application. This format is characterized by the fact that it is not fixed to a particular form. The challenge for the applicant, however, is to consider a new, unusual form of self-presentation.

This can be an application video, even a website programmed specifically for the application is a possibility. There are no limits to your creativity: In addition to digital forms of application, you can just as easily go into craftsmanship, so toilet paper rolls and Lego males have already been designed for guerrilla applications.

However, the originality and the industry play a major role. Applications designed in this way should be well received, especially in the creative and advertising industries. Those applying in more conservative industries are well advised to work with more traditional forms of application.

Read more about the guerrilla application here:

Guerrilla application: Ingenious or annoying?
phone interview
The phone interview, a mixture of application and interview to be. If you decide to apply to a company by telephone before sending your written application, you should be well prepared. The telephone call then serves as a first contact, followed by detailed application documents.

Good preparation means being able to easily name one's own abilities and qualifications, and to deal with the company and the job description. Practice what you want to say and ask first and make sure your questions are meaningful - if they were answered by the job description or the company website, it throws a bad light on you.

It also happens that companies conduct a first job interview by phone after viewing the application. This telephone interview has the advantage that companies save themselves travel expenses (and applicants the journey). Nevertheless, you should prepare for it as well as for a classic job interview.

Read more about the telephone interview here:

Telephone interview: tips and typical questions
Anonymous application
In the course of the General Equal Status Act ( AGG ), the problem of discrimination has become more frequent. Especially in English-speaking countries, especially the USA and Great Britain, anonymous applications are on the agenda.

Anonymous here means that name, age, gender, marital status and nationality are omitted, as well as the application photo. The background to this is the consideration that the pure facts should speak for themselves, ie the professional qualification of an applicant. The application is made via a standardized procedure and only after an invitation to the job interview has been sent, the HR manager receives comprehensive information about the person.

In Germany, this form of application is not yet very widespread, although experiments have shown that women and applicants with a migration background benefited from it. Nevertheless, you should only anonymise your application if this is expressly desired.

Read more about the anonymous application here:

Anonymous application: Pro & Con
Passive application
Doing a job as well on the side - that sounds more like a dream. The passive application is also part of the digital application forms, because it works mainly via digital channels. These include typical job boards where you can upload your resume and find yourself.

You can also get noticed via social networks like Xing or Linkedin Recruiters. However, this type of application is only recommended if it is practiced as one of several forms of application or if you are not actively looking for a job since you are not taking any targeted action.

Read more about the passive application here:

Passive job search: How to find you

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